What is Woke?
Yes, the WOKE think they know what is absolutely true. But they do not. No one can. To be rational, one must not claim absolute truth. In this way, they keep an open mind.
To be WOKE:
I believe this happens because the faux-WOKE begins with the idea (theory) first. They then collect data to “prove” (or support) their theory. But this order of execution is wrong. It is also dangerous. In this order, the faux-WOKE have likely, from the point of view of their psychic self, adopted their idea as belief. So the faux-WOKE’s psychic self now owns the belief. It will be defended. Their objectivity was inadvertently sacrificed.
Rationality requires that the thinker make observations first, then hypotheses are proposed to explain what was observed. Additional data is later collected in an effort to disprove the various hypotheses. Ideally, in time, only a single hypothesis survives. This hypothesis, if no other hypotheses remain, is objective truth. Absolute truth can only be claimed once all unknown hypotheses are also disproven. But this latter requirement cannot be met. Hence, no one own’s absolute truth, but is exists.
A person that accepts that they cannot know absolute truth, and is always on the lookout for disproving data or new hypotheses, is authentically WOKE.
Why does this happen (faux-WOKE)?
The psychic self will readily adopt beliefs (before data, see above) that increase its safety or well-being. For political agendas and power, some exploit this human vulnerability.
For example:
- Safety [fear] (COVID-19, Climate change)
- Well Being [pride] (Opposition to Racism, misogamy, etc.)